We don’t just produce wordpress themes. We give life to whole microcosms, where beautiful designs are powered by immense functionality. We consider our work to be successfully done not when the next product is released for sale, but when our customers share their great user experience and showcase the beautiful websites they have managed to…
Just like anything else, medicine is helpful when used on time, in a correct way and believed in.
Video post format
Create blog posts with video easily by using video post format. All you need to do is simply select Video format in post format section and paste a link to the video you want to embed. You can embed videos from You Tube, Vimeo, and you might as well use a self-hosted video.
Audio Post Format
Easily post your audio files of any format. Media used in demo: © 2003 Miaow / Arnaud Laflaquiere — MiaowMusic.com
Just like anything else, medicine is helpful, when used on time, in a correct way and believed in.
[Link] Cmsmasters portfolio
- http://themeforest.net/user/cmsmasters/portfolio?ref=cmsmasters -
See our works on Themeforest
Having extended original Wordpress functionality, we created an all-in-one tool for website management.